The MIS dashboard is meant to display the statistical analysis of Kano ACReSAL result and achievements based on three performance indicators including the number of hectarages, number of beneficiaries and trees planted. It presents in graphical format the summery of all achievement of the project with the key performance indicators. It will also track and show the implementation level of each activity based on the percentage completion.
Distribution of Beneficiaries Across Kano ACReSAL Project Activities
Tree Planting
Tree planting activities was carried out at various level of project implementation which includes tree planting campaign, Nursery Rehabilitation and Seedling Production, Enrichment plantings, Farmer Orchards, Avenue and Institutional Planting, Seed sowing and conservation of native species, and farmer manage natural regeneration at different project sites.

Hectares Recovered
The total Hectarages recovered by the Kano ACReSAL are in the areas of afforestation project, Farmer managed natural regeneration, Individual Farmer Orchard, Shelterbelt Rehabilitation, Conservation of indigenous species, Conventional plantings etc.

Kano ACReSAL project beneficiaries are drawn from all project activities conducted that directly or indirectly affect the lives of people around the project. These include activities such as; Afforestation, Restoration of degraded lands, Community revolving fund and climate smart agriculture, farmer led irrigation development, Construction of dams, Erosion control works, Institutional Support, Livelihood supports, Community Mobilization, sensitization and awareness creation.