The Landscape Investments subcomponent will support landscape-level investments, as prioritized in the strategic watershed plans. These may include those related to water resources management (for example, surface and groundwater storage, managed aquifer recharge, riverbank restoration, gully rehabilitation, sedimentation control into existing dams, and irrigation), to nature-based solutions for environmental management (for example, stabilization of sand dunes, vegetation management, reforestation). Additionally, the subcomponent will support large-scale agriculture investments for rangeland management and for a range of agricultural extension services such as the promotion of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and knowledge and data services. Depending on the scope of subprojects, investments under this subcomponent are expected to be implemented at State as well as at the Federal levels. A considerable pipeline of investments has already been identified and prepared under NEWMAP and some of these will be financed under ACReSAL, provided they are consistent with ACReSAL objectives and requirements.