Kyale Conventional Ochard

Community Sensitization at Makoda

Rehabilitation of Shelter Belt at Yanbawa

Community Sensitization at Falgore

Avenue Plantings

Trees Planted
Hectares Recoverd

C1: Institutional and Policy Strengthening

This subcomponent aims to improve the enabling institutional and policy foundation for integrated landscape management in Nigeria – with an initial focus on ACRESAL activities but setting the foundation for longer-term national frameworks. This will include work on improving the institutional infrastructure (IT, connectivity, and office improvements) in key agencies at Federal and State levels, setting up the data, analytics and decision support framework (including in-situ and earth observation, online services, cloud analytics, and interactive customizable dashboards) to allow all key relevant institutions to collaborate on shared vision multi-sectoral strategic watershed planning as well as improve the provision of public-domain data services, knowledge products (with appropriate e-packaging), and learning/virtual learning platforms leveraging on modern technology. This subcomponent will also facilitate technical assistance and collaboration to improve the policy environment for longer-term integrated landscape management by improving targeted aspects of the overall framework reflecting evolving lessons from implementation and evolution of global good practices (e.g. improving public-domain data access, facilitating collaboration across agencies in strategic watershed planning with adequate analytical and meaningful stakeholder participation aspects, incentive systems such as payments for ecosystem services, leveraging modern technologies, etc.). This sub-component will also have a strong capacity-building and outreach focus for both in-person and virtual training, learning events, internships and competitions to improve youth participation and links with academia, and facilitating interactions with private sector (including tech startups). The platforms for data, analytics, knowledge, and learning will leverage national-level platforms for use at national, Northern Nigeria, State, and local levels.

Impact Metric

Hectares Restored

Activities Under C1: Institutional and Policy Strengthening

Production of IEC Materials
Started On: Feb 6, 2023
Completed On: Mar 7, 2023
Procurement and Installation of Solar Power, Soil and Water Quality Equipments at Kano
Started On: Jun 29, 2023
Completed On: Sep 12, 2023
Support to Ministry of Environment to conduct drainage clearance within the 8 metropolitan Area (Phase I)
Started On: Jul 29, 2023
Completed On: Sep 12, 2023
Hectares Recovered
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